Change is scary and research can be intimidating. It's time to level up how we approach women and other marginalized groups in the gaming industry!
During this podcast, we discuss different biases that people need to navigate every day. The best way to be aware of these biases is to acknowledge and understand them. It's important to make space for everyone and below are some materials and keywords to get started.
These obstacles are not exclusive to women, so as you take the time to reflect please consider how these hurdles affect everyone. Be prepared to make mistakes and be willing to apologize. Be mindful of boundaries when asking questions and work through some research before reaching out. Learning and growing is a process.
Thank you to anyone who is willing to take a dive into their own bias to be more inclusive and accepting of everyone around them.
Likeability Bias -
Unconscious Bias -
Exploring Gender Stereotypes and Their Impact -
Importance of Safe Spaces -
The Role of Psychological Safety -
Why Women Don't Apply for Jobs Unless They're 100% Qualified -
TEDx Talks: Meeting The Enemy -
TEDx Talks: I've Lived as a Man & a Woman -